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Based on 592 reviews
“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
ALVIN C. (Fayetteville, US)
The Genesis Junior Pro

I was afraid that it may arrived damaged. But it did not because of the distance it traveled. The unit is just I wanted and it is AMAZING! The unit is very commercially built and designed. I feel I have something more than a toy. Thank you very much. As I show it off I will be promoting your business. I am glad I found you on the internet.

Groovy Globe!

Im very pleased with the promethean fire globe. I had no issue with shipping. The experience is awesome! Looking forward to the 5000 hour mark! My only gripe is seeing a couple not available!
I want a blue globe!

Simply stunning

Having always wanted a globe of higher quality than the cheap ones most are first introduced to, my search led me to Aurora Plasma and purchasing the absolutely stunning Emerald Fury globe.

The vivid, sharpness of the tendrils is striking, like nothing I have seen before. The appropriately named 'Emerald Fury' is mesmerizing.

Add in the overall quality of the globe and it is easy to say it was a worthwhile purchase and that we are very likely to buy another one in the future.

It's perfect

I probably got the most boring set of colors of all the assorted globes demonstrated on the page, and I still couldn't be happier. Even on the lowest power setting possible, I could still stare into it for hours. I absolutely love this thing. Something to note is that it does make a bit of noise on higher power, but it's nothing major. As long as you don't mind that, this is absolutely worth your money, and the best part is that you never know which one you'll get!


Wonderful plasma globe. Wonderful store. They deserve all their 5-Star reviews.
Their main business is what really generates income for them, this store is more like a passion project. They don't have to do this. But they do. And they care.
And I am grateful. I love these globes.
They're Beautiful.
Thank you.

P.S. - The Junior Pro Series make great gifts.

P.P.S. - The video I did is in slow motion. Also the first picture with the awesome plasma squiggle is more of a blueish white color in real life. The purple color and it being stretched out/with tracers like that is due to my digital camera and how its lens was able to process what it was picking up in low light.

Another winner!

Third 15” globe in the books and once again, zero regrets! Shipping is lighting fast and globe comes so well packaged. Like…its such a little thing but I’m always in awe how much care is put into the safe and secure packaging of these.

Now, the globe, beautifully constructed and the Emerald Fury is an angry little number (in a good way). While it shares a similarity with the Promethean Fire (now have both), I find the color tone of the tendrils having more a whitish chaotic tone closer resembling lightning. At lower power, mine is a bit more subdued in its flickering with the tendrils moving in a more hypnotic dance but when cranking up the power , it quickly comes to life and beautiful chaos ensues.

Long short, as my previous two 15” globes, this was well worth it as expected….now on to the Tyrian Purple next!!

Nice, but noisier than expected

Effects are great, but be prepared for fan noise. Think it could use a quieter fan. Love the size: 22”. Also, the power cable to the bottom of the console needs to be smaller as it unbalances the entire unit since it protrudes too much at the base.

“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
Michael G. (Bakersfield, US)
Just needed a new transformer :(

I bought my new Plasma ball because my old one stopped working. Found out on a hunch it was the transformer that burned out. Can you send me a replacement 12v transformer?

Very unique

I got the 15”. Definitely feels like something out of a science center/museum or a mad scientist lab rather than a hobby store. Has that scientific “Tesla” feel to it rather than a “lava lamp” category. The price reflects the quality and craftsmanship, would consider a 20” if they ever made one. Also looks good in all lighting. At some point I will buy another one!! Thanks so much for making these!


This is my second one, sadly the first stopped working in about a years time but nothing to do with the store or anything it was well used and I love it

An Obvious Choice

I never forgot the wonder of seeing my first plasma ball at the Exploratorium in San Francisco. At the time, of course, they were virtually unobtainable. They were "one-off" creations.

Today, cheap, mass-produced plasma balls are available at novelty stores, etc. for less than the price of a meal.

The Aurora Junior Pro Plasma Globe series is in a league of it's own. The Junior Pro is not merely a shadow of the Exploratorium plasma globe that captured my imagination. The performance is breathtaking, and needs to be experienced to be appreciated. Tapping on the substantial borosilicate glass globe you can feel the superior quality of the design compared to the novelty store plasma balls.

What is amazing to me is that Aurora is able to deliver the Exploratorium quality and experience at what I feel is an incredibly affordable price point.

The joy and satisfaction I get from my Genesis Junior Pro more than justifies my choice. I couldn't be happier, thank you.

Best Plasma Globe

Love it. Might buy another one in the near future. Great fast shipping as well

UK export, nice effect, circuit board replacement for cost of postage

Pretty discharge effect on the globe, green colour is paler than I expected but that seems to be a fairly normal variation from the stock photos. 4 stars mainly because the globe has a blue haze to the whole effect which makes it quite different from the advertised pictures. I really like the adjustable power knob and wish that other plasma balls came with this feature. If Aurora sold the circuit board separately I would be temped to order some to re-wire other plasma balls.
Photo and video makes the ball look redder than it is to the eye, for some reason in bright light it looked blue on the video. Couldn't upload the video to the review page because it "took to long", odd.
Otherwise... I ordered a green globe from the UK via a re-shipping company but it did not turn on on arrival. No warranty as it was shipped overseas (as expected) but the company kindly provided a replacement circuit board for the cost of shipping which was much more manageable than the original export cost! Initially tried troubleshooting the circuit board with a local electrician and found the (nigh-impossible to find a replacement) flyback transformer was likely the culprit). It is unfortunate that Aurora Design isn't familiar with the electronics themselves but if it isn't economical to do anything but import the circuit boards that makes sense. I do hope that the bulbs and gas mixtures are being made in Canada at least, otherwise what is the point?

Fantastic quality!

If you buy one of these lamps, don't expect much "service after the sale" from Jerry. Read on...

So I bought a plasma lamp from Aurora. The lightshow was underwhelming—roughly 50% of the activity of the ones shown on his site. Jerry agreed my globe was "on the soft side" and claimed that this "comes down to personal taste." Who the heck wants a "on the soft side" lamp, Jerry?

Anyway, Jerry's solution was to charge me an additional ~$25 to send me another replacement globe from "a previous series" that he "(doesn't) trust" the build quality of and ask me to install it myself. Hmmmmmm, is this a good solution or would a better solution be for me to mail back this less-than-stellar lamp, you covering the shipping costs, and then you send me a new lamp that looks like the ones I see on your website and in reviews? Nope, Jerry won’t do that.
In fact, when I suggested that he probably shouldn’t be asking customers to repair their Aurora products themselves and if he would please just send me the replacement globe no cost, his response was, “Sorry, I thought I was doing you a favor (by offering to send a repayment globe with you paying the shipping). What kind of answer is that? No, Jerry. You’re customers are doing you a favor by purchasing your products.

If you're considering buying one of Jerry’s lamps, know that if you end up getting one of his--my own words--“runt of the litter” lamps, there’s very little he’s willing to do to correct the problem. He’ll just keep telling you his website states, “no two plasma globes are exactly alike,” which it does. What a great--and again my own words--“you’ll take what I give you” disclaimer.

Also, be aware that, although Jerry and the Aurora site would have you believe his lamps are made in Canada, THEY ARE NOT MADE IN CANADA. They're actually mass-produced in China. It's true. Look at the bottom of the lamp where “Manufactured In China” is stamped into the plastic. I can only assume that Jerry has less control over quality standards as a result and this is why I received a bum lamp. I’m the collateral damage.

Finally, so you know my complaint is legit, the attached pics show the lamp I received at 100% power vs. four other customer's lamps also at 100% power. I sent these pics and the videos I grabbed the screenshots from to Jerry. Clearly my lamp is the loser here.

For those of your interested in the whole story we have posed the entire email thread.

Hey, Jerry.

I posted my first review on for you to respond to, but it’s not there.

Do you know why?

Awaiting your response and thanks.

From: Aurora Plasma Design
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 10:20:38 AM
To: John
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Do what you will John. We believe that all customers should post unbiased reviews and we respond with our side of things including the back and forth messages. Let the customers decide!

Aurora Plasma Design

From: John
Sent: Tuesday, March 19, 2024 6:40 AM
To: Aurora Plasma Design
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hey, Jerry.

Hope you had a good weekend.

I'd much rather post a good review for Aurora rather than negative one. I wanted to ask again if you'll send me the replacement globe no charge.

I have a good and large reputation within the FB group(s) novelty lamp collecting communities where I post reviews and very activly participate in discussions.

I over 350,000 Google reviews.

Finally, I have 7 million + views on YouTube video channel where I post video reivews of things I collect.

After looking at all the other Aurora lamps reviewed, I feel my lamp is the 'the runt of the litter.'

Every Genesis Pro lamp video I looked at looked better than mine. Every one of them.

Can we fix this?

Jerry, if you send me the replacement globe that looks similar to what I’ve seen, I'll leave positive reviews across the board.

What do you think?

Awaiting your response and thanks.

John C

From: Aurora Plasma Design
Sent: March 15, 2024 6:25 PM
To: John
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hi John,

If your globe was defective we would do that but yours is fine as per our clearly stated standards.

Aurora Plasma Design

From: John C
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 2:08 PM
To: Aurora Plasma Design
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hey, Jerry.

I own and repair old-school pinball machines (see pics) so I can replace the globe. I just don’t feel it’s a good practice to ask your customers to do so.

A better option might be to send your customers a different lamp has already been repaired at your shop and then have them return the original one.

John C

From: Aurora Plasma Design
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 3:29:43 PM
To: John C
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?


We will do what I offered. Having read your response, I am not convinced that you are the type of person that would feel comfortable changing the globe and that’s OK. I fear that you may end up with a broken globe and we won’t be offering any further assistance.


From: John C
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 11:26 AM
To: Aurora Plasma Design
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hey, Jerry.

Does this mean you are not willing to send me the replacement globe no cost?


John C

From: Aurora Plasma Design
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 1:14:32 PM
To: John C
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hi John,

Sorry, I thought I was doing you a favor. Your globe is well within the range of acceptable effects. Our site clearly states that no two globes are exactly alike. Some have very tight numerous tendrils where other have larger softer tendrils but fewer of them. We have many customers who own more than one globe and some have told us their preferences. It basically comes down to personal taste.

Aurora Plasma Design

From: John C
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 9:28 AM
To: Aurora Plasma Design
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Jerry, you’re asking me to pay an additional ~$20 on the $200 I’ve already spent on a globe that you yourself agree “is on the soft side.”

Also, you’re asking me to take a new globe apart and put it back together again with a lesser quality replacement globe. This is not really something a customer should be asked to do, in my opinion, but I think I can manage it.

Will you please just send me the globe no charge?

If so, my mailing address is:

Also, just FYI, UPS dropped the original package off at my door. They did not knock or ask for a delivery confirmation signature.

Awaiting your response and thanks much.

John C

From: Aurora Plasma Design
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 10:40:19 AM
To: John C
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hi John,

I would agree that your globe is video shows a globe that is on the soft side. It likely started out this way compared to some others but time used also makes a big difference. We have some filled globes from the previous series. They are not hand blown or as thick but have the same gas mixtures as the Junior Pro series. I have attached pictures that explain how to change a globe. It is pretty simple but care should be taken. The machine made globes are really the same as a “Fat Albert” incandescent bulb and that is the standard for all mass market globes. They are strong but I don’t trust them as much as our handblown 8” globes which are three times as thick. One thing not mentioned in the pictures is that sometimes the wire from the transformer will drag out some of the steel wool when the globe is removed from the base. This should be pushed back up into the center ball with a pencil of long rod, otherwise you will have effects radiating from the shaft as well well as the center ball.

If you would like to try this we will give you a globe but you would have to pay the freight. We pay UPS around $25- $30 but only charge $15.00. I think most people are so used to the cheap Amazon freight charges that they would think we are trying to make money on the freight if we charged the actual cost so we subsidize it. In your case you are going to have to pay the actual cost which will likely be about $20 or a little more. The globe alone will be smaller than a complete globe with base but UPS still has to send the truck to your house so the cost doesn’t go down much.

Let me know if you would like to do this.

Aurora Plasma Design

From: John C
Sent: Friday, March 15, 2024 6:00 AM
To: Aurora Plasma Design
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hey, Jerry.

Thanks for all the info.

My bad on the 1,000 hr. break-in time. I thought that applied to all Aurora plasma lamps, but if it doesn’t, that means that my lamp will not improve over time as I thought it would. ☹

Also, I did also watch your website video that “explains globes in various lighting situations” before I purchased the lamp. I actually knew this already as I own four older plasma lamps but I wanted to give Aurora a try.

Per your request, I’ve attached another video taken in a more darkened room (see attachment).

Also, below I’m inserting screenshots of the four different other Aurora customers’ “Genesis Junior Pro” lamps from the videos I sent in my first email.

Please note...these are all “Genesis Junior Pro” lamps rather than the larger models.

For comparison, I’m attaching three screenshots of my lamp at full power.

I honestly feel the other customers’ lamps show a much greater amount of activity and color than mine.

Your thoughts?

John Cl

From: Aurora Plasma Design
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 6:29:44 PM
To: John Clegg
Subject: RE: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hi John,

Please send another video taken in a more darkened situation. Ambient light has a huge effect on the globes brightness and quickly washes out anything happening inside the globe as the light levels rise. Your globe doesn’t look bad to me but I am sure it will look much better in a new video.

You might want to watch this video from our website which explains globes in various lighting situations.

You mention 1,000 hours to mature. That information only applies to the Promethean Fire globe which is much larger and 5 times more expensive than a JUNIOR PRO globe. This globe’s gas mixture is less stable than some and the explanation serves as reminder that the effects will change as time goes on. The 8” globes have 268 cu in of volume while 15” globes have 1767 cu in of volume. The effects are created by high energy exciting the gases which also degrades them in the process much like monitors fade with time.
We assume that the large globes last much longer than the small globes because of the much greater volume of gases that are affected. In short, the more a globe is energized the quicker it will degrade. That is why we suggest that the globes not be powered on when no one is around to enjoy them. I have attached a picture and video of our oldest globe (15”) that we still run 24/7.

Aurora Plasma Design

From: John C
Sent: Thursday, March 14, 2024 9:38 AM
To: Aurora Plasma Design
Subject: Re: Hi John, what do you think of your “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe?

Hi. I received my “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe in good condition. Thank you.

Before leaving the review you’ve requested, I decided to read several other customer’s Aurora Plasma reviews on the website,

All of the reviews were very positive, but as I was reading through them and looking at other customer’s pics and videos of their “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe, I noticed that mine seems to have significantly less activity than the ones I see being reviewed.

I understand that each lamp is different, and I also understand that the light show will become fully mature with ~1,000 hours of use, but with about 400 hours use on mine already, I haven’t seen much change. It appears to have 30%-50% less activity than the brand new out-of-the box lamps I saw being reviewed.

I wonder if something can be done about this as I suspect my particular globe will never reach the same level of activity as the ones in the reviews.

For your review, here are the other customer’s “Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe video reviews:

Link to the “Genesis Junior Pro” product itself on

Video of another customer’s “Genesis Junior Pro”:

Video of another customer’s “Genesis Junior Pro”:

Video of another customer’s “Genesis Junior Pro”:

Video of another customer’s “Genesis Junior Pro”:

Also, I’ve attached a video of my new “Genesis Junior Pro” (see attachment).

Awaiting your response and thanks much.

John C

Lifesize Plush Bengal Tiger
E.M. (Bangor, US)
Happy with my purchase!

Very happy with the tiger! Realistic looking and good quality.

“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
morgan b. (Los Angeles, US)
Really fun and well made

A friend of mine got the really big one. I have no room for it but the junior fits perfectly on my desk. Very cool and colorful.

“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
Sean M. (West Valley City, US)
Prettiest plasma globe I've ever seen.

This thing is gorgeous, I've never seen a plasma globe do the things this one can do, very nice product. Great customer service as well,

“Tyrian Purple Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
Chris H. (Saint Charles, US)
Cool Lamp

It's a neat plasma lamp I've purchased a few of these over the years and I would say this is the best one specially for the size.


Promethean Fire produces a beautifully chaotic, yet peaceful, explosion of tendrils and has quickly become my favorite to admire. This is my second 15” globe and can’t speak more highly on the quality of these. It’s only a matter of time before a third 15” globe finds a place in my home. Don’t miss the opportunity when they come back in stock…buy one!

Love it very realistic.

“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
MATTHEW M.H. (Broomfield, US)
Genuine quality, Unrivaled today.

Anyone in the market for a new 8” plasma sphere will not be able to find better quality or more unique beauty than the Genesis Junior Pro models. The base is substantial and solid. The sphere looks and feels like it came from the top shelf of a high end laboratory equipment retailer. The plasma activity is complex and beautiful. Even the power supply cord stands alone in appearance and quality. The Junior Pro and genesis mixture once experienced first person will leave a shadow on every other Amazon eBay mall plasma ball you have seen or will see. It is as good as the videos. Better. The price is excellent and I would pay more for this build quality.

You will not regret choosing to add an Aurora Plasma Design plasma sphere to your life.

“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
Brian H. (Anderson, US)
Pretty great.

Love my new plasma globe. Already have one, and the new one is a great addition to create some great background ambiance/lighting affects. Would Highly recommend.

“Genesis Junior Pro” Plasma Globe
Robert A. (Norwalk, US)
Fantastic Plasma Ball

Fantastic Plasma Ball, the Genesis is beautiful !
Love the different colors! Customer service was great, and fast shipping. I got the 8 inch, looks bigger in person, perfect!

Worth it.

This thing is amazing. I’ve always wanted a large plasma globe ever since seeing one as a kid in a museum. I chose the Genesis and it’s exactly what I was hoping for. Totally worth it.